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[혁신지원사업] 의료IT 특화프로그램 특강 3차 안내


강 연 자 : 연세대학교 의료원 교수 황민기

특강제목: In Silico Simulation of Atrial Fibrillation

             심방 세동 및 심방 조동에서의 컴퓨터 모의실험

일    시  : 2017.12.7.(목) 16:00~18:00
장    소  : S교육103

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a cardiac rhythm disorder characterized by irregular electrical activity in the atrium, leading to the absence of normal atrial contraction. Approximately 20% of all ischemic strokes are caused by AF-associated thrombi. The prevalence of AF increases with age, up to 9% among those 80 years or older. Various methods of projection predicted that the prevalence would more than double by the year 2050. The mechanisms of AF are multifactorial from focal sources such as rotors to multiple wavelet hypothesis. In this lecture, the methods and results of computer simulation of AF are presented. First, the electrophysiological characteristics of AF are introduced, and in silico simulation methods of AF are discussed. Second, clinical application of AF simulation are presented such as the application of fibrillation number based on electrophysiological characteristics of cardiac wave propagation. Third, the role of autonomic nervous system (ANS) in AF is discussed, and the results of applying ANS to AF simulation are presented. Lastly, the results of retrospective and prospective clinical trials utilizing computer simulation in AF ablation are presented.